Middle School

Middle School

About The Middle School

Welcome to the Bulloch Academy middle school! 在这三年里发生了很多增长, and we just know you’re going to do great! As you navigate the middle school hallways, 你会受到挑战和鼓励,开始发现你是谁. 我们的中学课程提供丰富而富有挑战性的教学, while meeting students where they are. Bulloch Academy的中学教师孜孜不倦地为学生提供课堂体验,以提高学生的批判性思维和分析能力, 同时帮助他们养成高效的学习习惯. 

During the middle school years, 重点放在培养全面发展的学生, including developing respect, responsibility, and citizenship. 学生们也被鼓励去探索与艺术相关的不同项目, technology, STEM, 和运动,因为他们调查和发现他们不同的激情. 随着学生在中学阶段的进步, 他们在高中阶段为成功打下了坚实的基础. 学生们每9周末参加一次考试. 


English Language Arts

In 6th, 7th, and 8th grade, 英语语言艺术课程侧重于语法, literature, vocabulary, and writing. 澳门银河的一大亮点是我们以文学为基础的课程. Throughout the middle school years, 学生将阅读各种各样的小说和故事, exposing them to different genres, historical events, and writing styles. Students read, analyze, 在一个安全的环境中讨论不同类型的文学. From The Watson’s Go to Birmingham, A Christmas Carol, The Outsiders, and many more, 学生将被介绍到永恒的作者和标题,连接多个科目和主题. 

我们的词汇课程以Sadlier工作坊书籍为特色. 这些是我们在低年级使用的词汇课程的延续,并延续到我们的高中课程, 在各个层次之间创建无缝过渡. In addition, 词汇的介绍和教学贯穿全年的每个文学单元的学习.

学生们继续在低年级建立的语法和写作基础上发展. 学生们全年创作各种写作作品, 当他们开始创作较长的文章时,重点加强段落写作.



六年级的学生为包括整数在内的预代数和代数打下基础, integer operations, rational numbers, expressions, equations, inequalities, proportional relationships, percents, measurement, geometry, and statistics. 

七年级的学生参加了一门高级课程,该课程将七年级的数学概念与预代数相结合, 为八年级的学生准备代数1. These units include algebraic expressions, equations and inequalities, ratios, proportions, percents, functions, linear relationships, systems of equations, geometry, measurement, probability, and statistics. 

Eighth-grade students take Algebra 1, 从代数基础开始,然后进入多步方程和不等式, relations, functions, linear equations, systems of equations and inequalities, polynomials and factoring, quadratic equations, linear, quadratic, and exponential functions, radical expressions, and rational expressions. 

In all middle school courses, 学生接触到高阶思维问题,这些问题要求学生在建立数学与日常应用之间的联系时进行批判性思考. 所有的中学课程都使用了《澳门银河》课程, 在9年级的几何和10年级的代数II中也会用到.


六年级历史的重点是第一次世界大战后到现在的美国历史. Students focus on the events leading to WWII, the Cold War era, the Civil Rights era, the Vietnam era, and more recent historical events. Students also learn what it means to be a U.S. 以及他们作为公民的权利和义务. 

七年级世界史从早期人类和文明的研究开始,然后开始学习古代文明, including Israelites, Ancient Greece, Ancient India, Imperial China, and the Roman civilization. 学生还将学习世界主要宗教, Medieval Europe, and the major Revolutions from 1500 to 1800 A.D. 

八年级的学生再次集中学习美国历史, 重点是美国历史上的重要事件. 研究首先强调宪法和权利法案,然后才进入美国历史上的各个重要时期.S. History, which include the Reconstruction Era, Westward Expansion, the Industrial Age, The Progressive Era, World War I, the Jazz Era, The Great Depression, and World War II. 


从2023-2024学年开始,六年级学生将学习地球科学. With hands-on activities, students study the Earth’s surface, rocks and minerals, 板块构造和塑造地球的力量, oceanography, and astronomy. A mixture of demonstrations, experiments, discussion, group work, 独立项目贯穿整个课程.

Life science is taught in seventh grade. 研究包括细胞及其功能、遗传学、微生物学和主要身体系统. Discussions, visuals, hands-on lab activities, 并利用个人和小组作业来探索生命科学的基本原理.

八年级的学生将参加一门综合科学课程,为他们未来的高中课程做准备. For the 2023-2024 and 2024-2025 school years, students will be taught an accelerated version of Earth Science, 在深入研究生命科学的各种概念之前, physical science, and basic chemistry concepts. Beginning with the 2025-2026 school year, 学生将参与一整年的综合科学概念学习. 

Middle School Schedule

1st Period:         8:00am – 9:00am
2nd Period:       9:05am – 10:05am
Break:               10:05am – 10:20am
3rd Period:       10:25am – 11:30am
Lunch:               11:30am – 12:00pm
4th Period:        12:05pm – 1:00pm
5th Period:        1:05pm – 2:00pm
6th Period:        2:05pm – 2:55pm

Bulloch Academy Student Handbook & Dress Code

可以找到最新的BA学生手册的副本 HERE along with the MIDDLE AND HIGH SCHOOL DRESS CODE!

Activities & Clubs

澳门银河,每个学生都有自己的东西! 我们为学生提供各种各样的俱乐部和活动.

  • Georgia Center for Civic Engagement (CGCE)
  • Math Team
  • Fellowship of Christian Athletes

Dining Services

澳门银河与列克星敦独立学院合作,提供新鲜的, healthy, 为每位学生提供创新的用餐体验. 列克星敦是一家以厨师为中心的烹饪管理公司,将从当地农场采购季节性食品,以吸引所有年龄段的人!

轮换菜单将突出营养信息,并将是真实的准备, 把学生的健康和口味放在第一位!